Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday with the Honeysuckle Group

Monday May 13, 2013
Blog Post

1st Period

2nd Period
Then we went to Wellness and Fitness and played capture the goal.

3rd Period
Next, we planned for the rest of the day, unable to go outside since Mr. Polk had a class.

4th and 5th Period
Finally, we went outside. However, because of the time constraints we had to go, retrieve all of our stakes from where we worked on Friday, and moved to measure the school’s side of the stream. This took two class periods but we got 35 plots, mind you not all of them were complete 25 by 25 square feet, but 35 plots done today. Grand total of… (Information to be provided at a later date)
These picture that follow are the faces of my group members done with that part of the work. A bunch of weirdos let me tell you. :3

Today's recorded work.

6th Period
Leif entered the rest of the data into a special spread sheet organized by Mr. Polk to be put into Google to make our density map.
Nic and I blogged.

Today was a lot better than Friday but less impressive than Thursday. However, I think we had some good fun today. Everyone was here and we all got to participate. Job well done!


  1. I like the inclusion of the pictures, but I think that it would work out better if you were to integrate them next to or in the blurbs which talk about what happened at what times, for me preferably posting them within the general categorized time frame of when they were taken.

  2. I liked how your pictures described who was in your group. I am a little confused with all the different class periods that are on here since 1st period you are not working on the actual nature trail, but Chinese class. Maybe something that you could do is pick one good picture of your group members, instead of posting 3 of the same or very similar pictures.

  3. This is a well-organized blog and your pictures are really good quality. What is your data showing? Have you considered making different graphs to show the data?
    Good luck!

  4. Nice Blog. How you laid out the day with periods is nice. Also how you explained what happened 4th and 5ht period with going out side and counting. Also the pictures are nice how you put them. You could add more activity like links or videos.
